E-Newsletter Edition IX: Erlenmeyer Reopening!

E-Newsletter Edition IX: Erlenmeyer Reopening!

Hello lovely friends of Erlenmeyer,

I hope November finds you all well and happy, keeping snuggly if it's chilly or keeping cool if it's balmy...whatever suits :)

~ Change of Paws Reopening Sale ~

SO after a little period of wondering what is coming next, it has been worked out that Erlenmeyer Australia is back in action once more - starting very soon!

This is possible because of my friend Kasia, who met Erlenmeyer through managing the Artisans' Nest Collective shop in Sydney. Kasia also runs her own beautiful business called Purrfect Stitches - she hand-makes all sorts of awesome pet accessories. I am looking forward to drawing these into Erlenmeyer illustrations for our animal citizens hehe. 

As a thank you for all of your patience whilst we find our feet with this new arrangement - Kasia and I have decided we will hold a Changing Paws Reopening Sale! This will run for 3 days from 12am on the 1st December to midnight on the 3rd December ~ all orders will be discounted by 33%! 

(I turned 33 this year, and 3 is my favourite number, a lucky number, an auspicious number, and the number of sides of a triangle, which is a special shape in Erlenmeyer. Many of the fabrics in the illustrations feature Erlenmeyer Triangles...which are little 3-dotted triangles. All very important details, which I know you appreciate, as detail-lovers). 
~ Chez Pink Chef ~

This year has seen a lot of background planning and sketching in my Erlenmeyer Almanac prototype, but amongst this there have been a pawful of pieces coming to life! Here below is one of my new favourites; a moment in the life of a little bunny collecting her wintery morning coffee from her local cafe. You can find it here in the UK collection.

~ Progress on the Erlenmeyer Almanac ~

The Erlenmeyer Almanac is that encyclopaedia that I keep mentioning here and there...it is going to showcase how the world looks in the era of Erlenmeyer: illustrations and writing that explain how and where the animals live, what they do when they're little and when they're grown, how they celebrate, how their technology works, what their beliefs are, etiquette and governance and so on...

In terms of WIPs I have two main pieces on the table at the moment! The first is The Paw Print Press Headquarters, which is where our dear McAllister works as editor of the Erlenmeyer local newspaper, alongside birds (who fly out for interviews), the animal writers, the insects who do the printing, and the mice who do the binding. The Almanac itself will have a little pocket with a Paw Print Press newspaper in it that can be pulled out and read. This was always a favourite feature of any book I had as a child: books inside books...

The second and more detailed piece is The Garden Balconies, which is the home and workplace of Consul Campion {Their Rabbitness}, who is responsible for Agriculture and Food Technology. This piece is set in Bristol, though in Erlenmeyer times they refer to it as The Fertile Valley (coz it's so lush here hehe). It shows where the river meets the city centre; a vibrant place of feasting, drinking, films, silent disco (of course) and the Labbit of Rabbits...This piece will be the third in the series of the Headquarters of the 12 leaders, following on from The Philosopher's Den and The Underwater Post Office :)

 ~ Upcoming Markets & Shopping in Person ~

Meet Avi at the Made In Bristol Gift Fair at the Bristol Beacon (26th & 27th Nov, 3rd & 4th, 10th &11th Dec), and at the Propyard Markets (Sat 17th & Wed 21st Dec!)

If you want to see the whole collection in person, find us:

~ in Sydney ~
Artisans' Nest Newtown
Artisans' Nest Bondi

~ in Bristol ~
Art Club
Oak and Reed
Room 212
(there are others too but these have the best and biggest selections!)

Ok well this blog ended up bigger than I expected (sorry :P) hehe. Thank you for your interest in this imaginary world that is a major source of joy and purpose for me. McAllister also says thank you and wiggles his nose at you. Happy Christmas to you and your friends and family, real and imagined. 

Lots of love, Avi xxx
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1 comment

Happy news! The amazing world of Erlenmeyer warms my heart and soul!


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